Friday, June 10, 2016
7:30pm Inauguration Andalusian Medieval Market.
10 pm The barker strives through the village streets accompanied by the music group Clau de Mar.
10:30pm Proclamation of the festivities in the Salón de Actos of the Espai la Senieta followed by the prize giving of the drawing contest organized by the Junta Central in collaboration with the AMPA (association of Moms and Dads) of Cap d’Or (Moraira) and San Vicente Ferrer (Teulada). Performance of the “la Senieta” choir.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
12:00pm Moors and Christians meet in the Woodland. Preparation of the fraternity meal.
9:30pm The unions meet at the fortress. Parade to the Esplanade of the Castillo, accompanied by the music group El Falçó Teulada. Dance music by the orchestra MADRESELVA.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
6pm Giant international music festival: Jazz, Folk, Rock and Country.
Monday, June 13, 2016
9pm Moraira parish: concert of the British choir.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
10:30pm Plaza Iglesia: concert of the group El Falçó, Teulada.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
9:30pm Fraternity meal at the crossing Calle Dénia and Juan XXIII. Karaoke contest for the unions.
Friday, June 17, 2016
1pm The unions meet at the fortress and join for a casual parade. Music by the group Música de Jalón.
1:30pm Esplanade of the Castillo: firing of the archebus.
7pm Ermita of the Castillo: sacrificial offering of flowers in honour of the Santísimo Christo of Moraira.
10:30pm Playa Ampolla: the Moors war of conquest, followed by the Moor´s announcement and the capture of the Castillo Moraira. Captain´s Night with the duo DIAMONDS.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
9am General wake-up call with the archebus.
10:45am The unions meet at the fortress and join for a parade.
12pm Mass in the honour of the Santísimo Cristo at the Moraira parish.
12:45pm Esplanade of the Castillo: firing of the archebus.
1pm Casual parade.
7:30pm Playa Ampolla: reconquest of the Christians. Aggression of the Castillo of Moraira by the Christian gang, followed by the announcement of the Christians and the reconquest of the Castillo.
12am Popular last post from the Castilla Moraira to the Avenida del Portet.
Followed by the night of the troops, accompanied by the orchestra WONDER. Avenida del Portet.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
9am General wake-up call with the archebus.
12pm Casual parade with flags.
12:30pm Esplanade of the Castillo: firing of the archebus.
6pm Music groups merge from the Castillo to the fortress.
7pm Gala Parade of Moors and Christians.
Filá Conquistadoras
Filá Almogavers
Filá Huestes del Cid
Filá Caballeros del Rey D.Jaime
Filá Muladíes – Capitanía Cristiana
Filá Almorach
Filá Califas
Filá Almoraima
Filá Marsa Mudhayra
Filá Bashira
Filá Al-Madhrabba – Capitanía Mora
At the end of the parade there will be a fireworks.